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Tag: arrangement

Articles tagged as Arrangement

Attornies Are The Last Superheros In A Society Gone Mad

Posted on December 2, 2022 by Adam Eaglin
An attorney is usually a specialist in one or two fields allowing them to function as expert when it comes to the legalities within their chosen area.An attorney is by no way a cheap way of getting your point across in a court of law.On the other hand, representation by an attorney, mainly by one who really understands their specified are, helps you in winning your case.Based upon the situation that you end up in, you may be fortunate to receive a pro-bono offer from an attorney...

Resolve Disputes With Your Partners Before They Happen

Posted on August 20, 2022 by Adam Eaglin
A vast majority of businesses have possession groups of less than five people.While this provides for efficient and effective management, difficulties arise if something happens to one of the owners.If your company has multiple owners, ask yourself what happens if:· The owners can not get along?· One of you is hospitalized for an extended period?· An owner becomes divorced [and the partner is awarded half the stocks?]· An owner stops coming to work?· You wish to sell stock to a third party?· An owner passes away?· One of you wants to retire?All of these events can seriously disrupt your business, especially ownership disputes...