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Tag: entity

Articles tagged as Entity

Solicitations To Prepare Your Corporate Minutes

Posted on September 16, 2023 by Adam Eaglin
Every corporate entity must hold board meetings and keep corporate minutes.This won't mean you need to be sucked in by the organization minute preparation solicitations.Corporate MinutesCorporate minutes simply are documents detailing the events of a corporate board meeting.Typically, a corporation must have a board meeting every quarter if for no other reason than to force overview of where in fact the business has been and where it really is going...

The Secret To Protecting Your Business Assets

Posted on April 13, 2022 by Adam Eaglin
No matter the type of business you conduct, there's a substantial risk of being sued in our litigious society.Lawsuits can range from claims of negligence to defective products to disputes with employees.Incorporating is a means of guarding against these potential threats.Single Incorporation - Protecting Your Personal Assets Incorporating your business is a way of creating a legal wall between your personal assets and business...