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Contracts: Don't Pick Up Your Pencil

Posted on May 24, 2023 by Adam Eaglin
Protect your bottom line.Do not pick up your pen until your customer has signed the dotted line.I refer to the temptation for many artists, designers and other creatives to jump the gun and start work on a project before there's a signed contract.It isn't unreasonable to make some quick sketches to summarize original ideas as part of a preliminary conversation.But because anything done at this stage is purely speculative, it's better to limit the time spent until there's some sort of commitment by the customer...

DNA Evidence - History and Status

Posted on April 25, 2023 by Adam Eaglin
When Gregor Mendel published his studies of inherited characteristics of pea plants in 1866, he probably did not know he was starting a sequence of events that would end in the 1987 conviction of someone in the USA based on DNA evidence.This Report discusses the history and present status of the use of DNA evidence in the United States.How DNA Evidence is Gathered and UsedDNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a nucleic acid consisting of two chains of nucleotides bonded together in a double helix, and is responsible for determining the inherited traits of each individual...

Legal Assistance: Ways In Which Lawyers Can Help Your Business

Posted on March 4, 2023 by Adam Eaglin
You can't escape them.Sooner or later you are going to have to face them.If you are serious about running a successful business, chances are you will need the expertise of an attorney.The following are some ways in which a lawyer can help an entrepreneur:1.Form Of OrganizationA lawyer can help you decide the kind of organization that is ideal for your company and assist you with the necessary paperwork, whether you are just starting your business or have been in business for awhile...

Attornies Are The Last Superheros In A Society Gone Mad

Posted on February 2, 2023 by Adam Eaglin
An attorney is usually a specialist in one or two fields allowing them to function as expert when it comes to the legalities within their chosen area.An attorney is by no way a cheap way of getting your point across in a court of law.On the other hand, representation by an attorney, mainly by one who really understands their specified are, helps you in winning your case.Based upon the situation that you end up in, you may be fortunate to receive a pro-bono offer from an attorney...

What To Do If Your Disability Case is Denied

Posted on January 7, 2023 by Adam Eaglin
Some American working class citizen come to the point in their lives when they learn that they become disabled because of physical impairment/illness and can no longer work on their current jobs or can't hold down any sort of jobs anymore.To compensate for the income loss, they will go to apply for disability insurance claims under the programs of Social Security - Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income...